Erasmus + zu Coburg

Monday, 8th May

On Monday Henry and I walk to school and there we had two workshops. The first one was about fake information that you`ll find online and the second workshop was about social media and how often we use it. At the end we prepared a presentation on the following subject.

Sarah, Sascha, Henry and me were in one group and our theme to present was online sexual harassment. After lunch we had a guided tour through Coburg and also got an ice cream for free.

At 3 pm school was finished so we went home and drove to the lake with a lot of other people from the Erasmus project. We had dinner at KFC and then Adrianos father took us home.

9th May 2023

Today we took the bus at 8am to go from Coburg to Nürnberg. In Nürnberg we first had free time to walk, visit the city or go shopping. My group and I decided to simply have a coffee at Starbucks. The German exchange students told us a little bit about Nürnberg and its history while we walked through the city. At 12:15 p.m. we went to the Communication Museum in Nürnberg. A guide welcomed us and introduced us to different forms of communication such as telephone, messages, facial expressions and texts. The tour of the museum lasted an hour. After this we were very hungry, so we went to a burger restaurant. We liked what we chose, the only downside was the bill at the end…🥲 Because we took too long to eat, it was already time to return to the museum where the bus driver was waiting for us. Once at home we got ready because we were invited to Henry’s for a barbecue. We had a good evening with friends and then we went home!

🌍Erasmus 🌍 Coburg Day 3

On Wednesday morning at 8 o’clock we all met at the “Marktplatz” in front of the town hall. There the mayor gave a short speech. Then we walked to the bus and drove to another school in Neustadt. There we did a short interview for a local TV channel organized and created by this school. It is called “NEC TV”. We were introduced to the TV station in more detail. Then we went by bus to “Rödental” where we did a tour around the “Digitale Manufaktur”. There we also listened to a presentation about “social media”. After the presentation, some of us did an interview with three important people from the school, the TV channel as well as the guy who did the presentation on “social media”. But my group helped with the barbecue. After the barbecue we went back to Coburg and had some free time. At 19:45 we went to the cinema and watched the film “2040” which showed us how to save the world as well as how a positive future might look like.